The Mission
The mission of the Scouts BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Youth are trained in responsible leadership, citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and career-oriented educational programs. Fredericksburg UMC is a long-time sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 135 and Boy Scout Troop 135 B which are units of Scouts BSA.

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Cub Scout Pack 135
Cub Scout Pack 135 is a Family Pack where there are subunits called Dens. At present, Pack 135 is the only Cub Scout Pack in Fredericksburg. Pack 135 consists of all-boy Dens and all-girl Dens that meet separately on a bi-weekly basis and come together monthly for joint Pack meetings and special activities. Families may choose to join Cub Scouting at any time and become part of a year-round, family-oriented BSA program designed for boys and girls who are in kindergarten through fifth grade (ages 5-10). Parents are encouraged to participate as Pack Leaders, Den Leaders, and Pack Committee members and work together within the Pack organization to achieve and promote the scouting objectives of character development, citizenship training, personal fitness, and leadership.

The Mission
The mission of the Scouts BSA is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Youth are trained in responsible leadership, citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and career-oriented educational programs. Fredericksburg UMC is a long-time sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 135 and Boy Scout Troop 135 B which are units of Scouts BSA.

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BSA Troop 135
Boy Troop 135, first formed in 1947, is an all-male unit and involves ages 11 through 17. (While Scouts BSA changed its structure during 2019 to permit all-female Troops, at present there are none yet organized in Fredericksburg.) Parents typically furnish the necessary adult leadership and related support for the Scout Troop. Troop 135 offers an exciting array of outdoor camping, hiking, and aquatic opportunities. Over its history, Troop 135 has advanced 70 boys to the rank of Eagle Scout. During the past 25-years, Troop 135 has generated Eagle Scouts at a rate 9-10 times the national average…an accomplishment of which we are most proud.

For more information or to join Troop or Cub Pack 135,
contact Jim Graham at
832-445-5670 or jroycegraham@hotmail.com