Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir provides music leadership at the 9am Traditional Service. The choir now has two sections which meet and rehearse together, the Alpha and the Omega. Some singers actually sing for both services, but the majority choose to attend either early or late worship. The Chancel Choir also participates in special musical events such as Christmas, Easter, and the City of Fredericksburg’s July 4th Fireworks Concert. You don’t have to be a music reader to sing with us, but it does help! Come and join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00!
Praise Team
The Praise Team is the music leadership for our contemporary worship time at 9:00 Sunday mornings. All ages are invited to participate as singers and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 6:00.

Chancel Choir
We use instrumentalists periodically throughout the year but especially for holiday events. We are always looking for additional instrumentalists to join our group. Please contact Don Doss if you are interested in playing your instrument with us!
Wesleyan Bell Choir
FUMC’s handbell choir has been ringing for many years. Under the direction of Deborah Agnew, the bells play periodically at Sunday worship as well as for special programs throughout the year. Prior music experience is a plus, but this is definitely a group where you will learn how to read music quickly! The bell choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings during the school year at 6:00 pm in the choir room.