Kids (K-5th)

Welcome to the Treehouse!
Our Mission
Treehouse Kids is our Children's Ministry ages K-5th grade. Our Children's Ministry aims to teach kids about Jesus and the love of God through STEM activities, Bible stories, crafts, interactive games, and more.
Our hope is that they will be able to grow and understand no matter what their age is that God always loves them and is always there.

Kid's Club
(School-year Program)

Kid's Club
Kids Club is a once-a-week after school Bible-focused program for Elementary kids. We coordinate to pick up the pre-enrolled students at Fredericksburg Elementary after school via our church bus. Kids can expect games, crafts, snacks, and of course, stories from the Bible! Parents are expected to pick up their child in the Children's Wing of the church (1800 N Llano St.) at 5:30PM.
For the 2024-2025 school year Kids Club is on Wednesdays with pick up @ 5:30PM. Space is limited so be sure to register below!
For more information or questions, contact our children's coordinator Carrie Dallas

Growing with Jesus
(Summer Program)
Growing with Jesus
Growing With Jesus is a once-a-week Summer program for kids K-5th. Kids will have a chance to learn Bible lessons valuable and lifelong skills such as gardening, cooking, and how everything relates to our bigger purpose with our Creator. Growing With Jesus will also include lunch where kids have a chance to cook with some of the vegetables/fruit they will harvest from the garden. Cost is free.
Scheduled Every Wednesday
June 5 - July 17
8am - 12:30pm
Children's Church
Sunday Services +
Children's Church
We have a special part of each service called "Children's Time" this is a moment in the service where kids of all ages have an opportunity to come up front and participate in an interactive storytelling of that Sunday's scripture in the 9am service, kids will follow After the lesson, kids are invited to Children's Church where they will continue talking about the message and scripture. Kids will be brought back in the Sanctuary and returned near the end of the sermon. In the 11:10am service, there is a Children's Time portion of the service, but Children's Church is only offered for the first service at this time. Additionally, there is childcare offered at 10am during the Sunday School hour.