FUMC Foundation

The FUMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property.
The Fredericksburg UMC Foundation is established to provide a means through which enduring charitable gifts will become a living memorial and a perpetual source of financial support to benefit the church and its programs. It is the vehicle for receiving and managing gifts that look to the future and enhance the ability of the church to promote its ministries and care for its property.
The board of the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church Foundation wishes to recognize and thank the following donors for their donations.
These gifts are a lasting legacy to the church
Barr, Michael & Ginger
Benson, John & Peggy
Boone, Tom
Brady, Linn & Beth
Brewer, Charles & Leah
Brown, Kay
Buie, Susan
Bush, Lois
Cannon, Donna
Daigle, Mary Kay
Dance, MaryNeil
Ditges, Elke
Hallford, Emmelyne
Harrell, Mrs. Billy
Hinterlach, Helen Jane
Kainer, Theresa
Koepke, John
Koym, Charles & Zala
Mauldin, Irene
Miller, Roselie
Nelson, David & Lori
Ottmers, Troy & Karlene
Pounds, Christy
Quindry, Charles & Susan
Rolston, Dirkes J.
Ryan, Jim
Schmidt, Dorman & Vicki
Schmidt, Herbert
Steward, Camey
Synek, Judy
Treibs, Vernon & Linda
Weidenfeller, Beverly & John
White, Buzz & Pat
White, Donna
Whitworth, Mary
Williams, Kenneth & Loes