Partnering with parents to equip them
to grow their families in the Christian faith.

(PreK - 5th Grade)

Our main goal is to teach children about Jesus by demonstrating His actions to them. We want them to learn that Jesus desires an active, day-to-day relationship with all of us! Jesus was always down on His knee, eye-level with children, talking face to face, as a friend, a companion, a beloved teacher.
With that in mind our Children’s Ministry offers a variety of activities that allow children to discover the Truth of God’s Word and that stimulate their imagination through games, snacks, crafts, Bible stories and free play.
We want your children to know that God is always there. When they need them, He is there. If they are worried, He is there. When they are happy, He is there. When they are lonely, He is there. No matter what they need, feel, or desire, their Father is there.
We cherish this time with your children. When they come running up to the church with big smiles on their faces, when they tell us they can’t wait for Kids’ Club, when they leave and tell us they’ve had the “bestest” time, we know that God has truly been among us.
K-5th Sunday School | Sundays at 10am
after the Children’s Time portion of our service
Childcare available for infants-Kinder
Sunday Services and 10am Sunday School hour
or call Carrie Dallas at 830-997-7679
(6th - 12th Grade)
Teenage years can be a dark and challenging season in life - so let’s turn on the light. The Back Porch light! On the Back Porch we’re committed to you being known and accepted, taught about Jesus, and challenged to grow. We invite you to journey as we develop a genuine relationship with Jesus while building lasting friendships along the way.
So what are you waiting for?! Your crew’s on the back porch with a seat and the light on – for you.
Beginning Sept 1st 2024
Middle School Youth Nights | Sunday 5-7pm
High School Youth Nights | Sundays 6-8pm

Scouts of America

Fredericksburg UMC is a long-time sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 135 for age 5 through 10 and Scout Troop 135 for ages 11 to 18. Over the past 25-years, Troop 135 has generated Eagle Scouts at 9-10 times the national average rate…an accomplishment of which we are most proud.
or call Jim Graham at 832-445-5670